Every person in the world today is affected by some form of packaging. As people need to wear dresses, products need packaging. Packaging is the science, art, and technology of enclosing or protecting products for distribution, storage, sale, and use. Packaging can be described as a coordinated system of preparing goods for transport, warehousing, logistics, sale, and end-use. The right packaging combines size, design, and color to attract potential customers. On the other hand, labeling is done on the product packaging and presents all important information about the product and its manufacturer. Labeling helps manufacturers communicate the product details to their customers who can use this information to perform a comparison with similar products and then decide on their preferred product to buy.
- Overview of Packaging and Labeling, Essentials of Packaging,
- Types of Packaging, Factors Affecting Packaging Decisions, v
- Packaging as a Marketing Tool, Packaging and Environment,
- Packaging and Containerization, Symbols Used in Packaging,
- Packaging Economics, Labeling and Related Issues,
- Objectives of Labeling, Packaging Vs. Labeling,
- Branding Vs. Packaging, Creative Packaging,
- Consumer Problems with Packaging, Re-Use of Packaging,
- Kaleidoscopic Packaging, Question & Answer Session, and the list goes on.
- Question and Answer session.
The facilitator of this training is Mr. Mr. Mohammad Mostofa Kamal, M. Com, CACC, Int'l. Diplom in SCM, ITC, Switzerland,Head of Supply Chain Management, Japfa Comfeed Bangladesh Pte Ltd.
Tk. 3,000/- payable in favour of ‘Dhaka Chamber of Commerce & Industry’ by cash/pay order/cheque/ transfer by online banking. It could also be paid through bKash merchant number 01766018659 (payment) with bKash charge Tk.50/-. Course fee includes refreshments, lunch, stationery, learning materials and excludes VAT and Tax. Admission would be confirmed to candidates on payment of registration fee.
10% for (one option applicable): (i) DCCI Members; (ii) Women participants; (iii) Students (pursuing his/her undergraduation & postgraduation); (iv) Ex-Trainees of DBI; (v) Three (3) or more participants from one organization for same course;and 15% corporate discount for 10 (ten) or more participants from the same organization to one programme.
The intending candidates may collect Registration Form from DBI Office for submitting to DBI after filling up duly or log on to for registration.
Certificate will be awarded.