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Mr. M A Mannan is equipped with over 30 years solid experiences in MNC and local conglomerates namely FedEx Express, PRAN-RFL Group, Fakir Apparels, Olila Glass Industries, Searchlite MLC, DVC; etc. in different management and leadership roles and responsibilities.

He is the FedEx Purple Academy certified management trainer since 2004. Facilized a huge numbers of trainings for FedEx Bangladesh and beyond for many respected companies on various fields like Leadership, Team Building; Teamwork, Stress Management, Conflict Management, High Performing Managers; Leaders, Customer Service Excellence, Four Disciplines of Execution, Emotional Intelligence, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People and various need based trainings and study period.

He is from Dhaka University. Studied management. Strongly believe in value addition and continual improvement. Received various certificates courses in home and abroad. Used to write articles on the management and leadership; many of his articles have been published in The Daily Star and in The Independent Newspapers.