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Mr. Reza Md. Shehab Uddin Sharawardi
Ha-Meem Group

<p> Reza Md. Shehab Uddin Sharawardi is a senior supply chain professional and popular public and corporate trainer. Currently he is working as a General Manager and Ha-Meem Group. Prior this, he was the Group Supply Chain Head at Esquare Group. Before joining the Esquare Group, he he had been serving as Consultant at e- Commerce business company named ShopUp, RedX, Mokam and Unicorn. He had also served at LG Butterfly Group. He starts his carrier with Unilever in 1993 as Junior Manager in distribution operation under supply chain management department. He moved another FMCG giant named Proctor and Gamble in 1995 as Commercial Manager with a higher responsibility in Supply chain operation. After windup &nbsp;Bangladesh operation, he joined with Shell Oil company another top fortune 500 company in world business ranking. He worked for Rahimafrooz as Business Head (RACIC) in 2009 after completion the Projects of Nokia Siemens Network with Warid telecommunication. He was leading the business holding a position Country Logistics Manager in Nokia. Reza Shehab also led the Supply Chain Management team at Grameen Phone as Startup Company before starts with Nokia; He also played a significant role in planning, research and operation to establish the country largest retail chain shop named SHOWPONO with ACI in 2008 for a short period. Mr. Reza has awarded several certificates from different organization for his significant contribution for the company. However, he completed his Masters in Commerce with honors course in Management ln 2004 he completed diploma certificate course from National University of Singapore (NUS) on Management. He is very popular public trainer and carrier coach in different public and private university. He conducted more than 200 training with; Prothom Alo Jobs in 2012 to 2015 and also delivered a good number lecture in different University. Currently he is the Vice President and Founder of Bangladesh Supply Chain Management Society and also founder member of CARES - (Committee of Action for Research, Extension and Services) and Bangladesh Supply Chain Management council.</p> <p> &nbsp;</p>