Online Postgraduate Diploma (PGD) in International Trade (Export & Import) Management

Session: April-September 2025
Class Schedule: Twenty four (24) sessions/classes will be held on Friday in six month.
Time: 3.00 pm – 6.00 pm
Media: Zoom Online
Contact: Cell # 01913745062/01766018659 & T&T: +88 02 47122986 Ext. 124/282, Email:


Our world is becoming more connected and competitive than ever. The relation between different countries is getting stronger by the increasing developments in technology. As the world becomes more global and connected, International trade can be a useful asset to bring people and countries together. To start a successful international business, we need a product or service which is in demand in overseas markets, as well as the necessary management commitment, resources, minimum budget, export skills and information to support sustained exporting & importing activities over the longer term. So, we need a simple strategy, where everyone in the company will be involved in achieving export & import results is aware of the plan and has a sense of engagement with it. DCCI Business Institute (DBI) and American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB) are jointly offering a 6 month long Postgraduate Diploma (PGD) in ‘International Trade (Export & Import) Management’ to familiarize these matters.


International trade is one of the popular ways of self-employment/ entrepreneurship. It is the most dynamic business activities in modern business ecosystem. International trade is divided into two major activities. They are import & export. Major issues in the import and export business are LC opening, bill of entry, bill of leading, insurance, freight forwarding, clearing, transportation, logistics and related domestic & international processing & procedures. Objective of this course is to improve and up-grade the skills of the entrepreneurs/professionals dealing with Importing, and Exporting functions in respective organizations.

Who Can Attend

Entrepreneurs, Exporters, Importers, Suppliers, Manufacturers, Senior/ Mid-Level Business Executives, Managers of Import, Export and Industrial firms, Managers, In-charges, Executives operating Imports & Exports business/ Manufacturing business as well as the new Entrants in such business and other interested Graduate persons could participate in this PGD course.


The contents of the course cover the entire Export and Import Business procedures step by step. The course has been offered for the 18th time after commendable success in its 17th batches. Certainly, the course will bring forth transformation and positive growth among the participants. Modules title are given below:

  • Module -1: Introduction to International Business
  • Module -2: International Trade and Regulatory Bodies
  • Module -3: Agreements and Tariffs
  • Module -4: Business Licenses and Certificates
  • Module -5: Understanding International Business Environment
  • Module -6: Mode of Entry to International Business
  • Module -7: Strategy and Planning for Export & Import
  • Module -8: Market/ Product and Buyer Selection
  • Module -9: Strategy for Sourcing in International Trade
  • Module -10: Effective Communication Strategy in International Business
  • Module -11: Negotiation Skills for International Trade
  • Module -12: International Contract/Agreements Management
  • Module -13: Local Rules & Regulations for Export-Import
  • Module -14: International Trade Rules
  • Module -15: Letter of Credit (L/C) in International Trade
  • Module -16: Trade Finance (Import)
  • Module -17: Trade Finance (Export)
  • Module -18: Documentation of Export-Import
  • Module -19: Managing Logistics and Transportation in International Trade
  • Module -20: Port and Shipping Operations and Role of C&F Agent
  • Module -21: Customs Procedures for Export & Import
  • Module -22: Costing and Pricing
  • Module -23: Fraud Forgeries related with Forex Transaction
  • Module -24: Overview and Recap of the International Trade Management.


Renowned, Highly qualified, reputed and experienced Resource Person, having ample theoretical and practical knowledge from home and abroad about related areas, has been invited to conduct respective sessions.


Fee:Course fee is Tk. 25,000/- payable in favour of ‘Dhaka Chamber of Commerce & Industry’ by Cash/ Pay Order/ Cheque/ EFT. It could also be paid through bKash merchant number 01766018659 (Payment) with bKash charge. Fee includes cost of tuition, course materials, exams, certificate and excludes VAT & Tax.


10% for DCCI members, women participants, participants from Defense Forces, and 3 (three) or more participants from one organization for the same course (one option applicable) .

Admission Procedures

The intending candidates may collect Registration Form from DCCI Business Institute or through online by logging on to Admission would be confirmed to candidates on payment of course fee.

Admission Deadline

Admission deadline is March 25, 2025. Seats are limited. First Come First Served.

Assessment Criteria

  • Two Examinations (Mid-term & Final) will be held;
  • 60% class attendance is mandatory for eligibility of Examinations;
  • 40% marks from mid-term examination and 60% marks from final examination will count for final assessment;
  • Pass Marks 50% and grading will be less than 50 marks = Fail, 50-64 marks =Pass, 65-74 marks = Pass with Merit and 75 and above marks = Pass with Distinction.


On successful completion of the PGD, participants will get a certificate signed by the President, DCCI and the Vice Chancellor, AIUB.


For more information, please contact to DBI, Cell # 01913745062/ 01766018659 & IP Phone: +88 09666888555; Ext. 1015/1014; 88 09666319653; T&T: +88 02 47122986 Ext. 124/282, E-mail: